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comment by Cycling_Nomad
Cycling_Nomad  ·  3363 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Inside the sad, expensive failure of Google+

That was a really good and informative article. Personal Anecdote: I actually use Google plus quite a bit, with the introduction of the "Collections" feature. I've actually created a collection that has over 4,000 people following it and often times the comments will create some pretty good conversations. I use Google plus as a sort of news stream type tool. It has an active community you just need to reach out and find what you want to talk about. For example there are communities on Landscape Photography which I've shared photos with and the cool thing about that is you get constructive feedback from other users. I use Google plus more than facebook but I guess I'm weird like that, haha.