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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3360 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Can someone explain to me what the hell is up with the Dota 2 community?

    such discussion is draped in a culture that many in the DotA community would find alien

I think this is the key. I realized way too late how ignorant I was about doing those things. It felt that I was doing the right thing - educating the public about a better culture of behaving - and the response felt inadequate, out of place for such an intention. My mistake was to assume those people want to be educated in the first place, which must be the main criterion for any sort of sharing - and I've forgotten about it for the time, letting arrogance of mine take higher priority.

    Additionally, you respond to people's comments in a way that is standoffish, melodramatic, sarcastic, and condescending.

Exactly, and I realized it way too late as well. I felt offended by such ignorance; I'm not to justify such behavior with that reason, but it will explain why I acted that way.

Overall, it was fruitless effort fueled by barely much but my ego. Sure, I had good intentions, but I never considered where I apply them to, how I apply them and what might result from it - which, combined, made for a very bad show of character, which I regret afterwards.