I'm old, but I am not THAT old. Yet when I turned 13 I was told that I was going to get a job and do chores and contribute to the household. College was not at all an option for me. That and people in my part of town didn't go to college anyway, or so I was told repeatedly. I got a paper route (back when those were a thing) and delivered 300 newspapers every morning for five years. On my 18th birthday I was told that I should finish high school then get out. As in "Your 18 now and an adult, you need to get your own place or join the military." By the time I was 19, I had cash in the bank, bought my own car and was living on my own. This from someone who's parents were not rich by anyone's judgement. If my parents tried to raise me like that today I'm sure CPS would get involved. But, the way they raised me worked. It made me strong and independent. It taught me the value of money and that poverty sucks. They taught me ethics, honor and courage. And that is why I think I made it out when so many others in my HS class ended up in jail or dead. If it was not for my mom and dad dragging my ass kicking and screaming into responsibility and adulthood I'd probably have gone the same path.