It's just so fucking frustrating. Bernie Sanders is an amazing candidate and he's struggling to get recognized as such by a party who actually fucking loves him. I've talked to multiple Democrats who really do like Sanders and agree with him on pretty much everything, but they're still going to vote for Clinton in the primary even though they don't really like her that much because they think she's got a better chance of winning. It's bonkers, because the Republicans are at their weakest! Trump is their damn frontrunner. We'll never elect Trump. He might be popular on the right, but he's completely alienated key demographics like as the entire hispanic vote and anyone to the left of Ayn Rand. Now is the time to push the awesome far-left but still weirdly in alignment with the majority on every issue candidate who isn't really even a Democrat. It's not the time to dig up Hilary after her last failed primary simply because we have this weird preordained assumption that she's going to be the first woman in the oval office. Bernie, if he has any chance, is going to have to really struggle for it. Assholes like this derailing what he does have going for him are only fucking things up more. And the horrible thing is that it's coming from the left. I'm totally going to watch that video now.