To start, these are words that I feel need some defining, in our initial stages, as we cogitate and percolate: Vote. Follower. Rule. Ruleset/rule set Approval. Voting/vote/voted upon. Reset. User. Ratify. Revert. Proposition/proposal. Majority. Transmutation. Amendment. Repeal. Seconded. Thirded. Approved. Not so much defining these words, more, getting us to an eventual point where we're all using the same terminology in the same way.
Here are some of my thoughts on these terms: Vote/Approval/Voting: A comment that either supports or opposes the proposition. I think we'll eventually need to codify it into a set phrase (support/aye/yes/etc), but I think this is good enough for right now. Seconded/Thirded/Approved: Set phrases that we'll eventually have to agree upon. User: I take it to mean Hubski user as a distinguishing term from follower of hubnomic. Follower: Follower of hubnomic. The term is not vague, but a much bigger problem is when do we count the number of followers? At the start of the post? At the end? After a certain grace period? Majority: I think majority means the majority of votes of a proposition, not the majority of users/followers. Proposition: As of right now, a proposition is a rule that has yet been ratified and put forth to be considered towards ratification. Ratify/Revert/Repeal: The process in which a proposition gets voted on and approved. I think we have to wait to see what happens in Hubnomic 2 when these propositions do get ratified, whatever that means. Rule: As of right now, a rule is a proposition that has ratified, and a proposition is a rule that has yet been voted on. The problem is that there isn't a way of handling people who break a rule. Ruleset: It's supposed to be a set of rules, but I'm not sure what distinguishes a ruleset from a complicated rule. Reset: The term is currently vague because we don't know what the rules would reset to. Transmutation: The process in which a mutable rule becomes an immutable rule and an immutable rule becomes a mutable rule. The only thing that can happen to an immutable rule is for it to be transmuted to a mutable rule. Amendment: A change to an existing rule. It is an open question whether amendments are also proposals/propositions/rules.