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comment by Herunar
Herunar  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: It's a White Man's Internet

(This post is a bit ramble-y and very off-topic so apologies for that but I've just been having thoughts about race and gender for quite a while now so I figure I might as well get it off my chest)

As people have pointed out, it definitely just comes down to white men being angry because suddenly their great privileges are waning. If we're just talking about America and leaving the rest of the West out, the population is becoming much, much more diverse in terms of race, ethnicity and religion and so we're basically seeing a slow transformation of the status quo. And by slow I mean slow - the average white person (not even man, to be honest - obviously white women are worse off but they still benefit from huge racial privileges) will probably have a much, much easier time than me, for example, being an Indian-American that's also Muslim.

But then I would suggest that it is hard to just say that 'white men' have it better and are thus very angry when the privileges are infringed upon. How do we define that term, really? I'm probably willing to bet that, say, a Polish or Eastern European immigrant coming over to the States would be treated worse than a WASP man or woman from, I dunno, upstate New York. And then when you look at it from a European perspective, fuck, the state of brown/black people could be considered even worse - but at the same time Northwestern Europeans (Low Countries, Scandinavia, France, Germany...) in say the UK are looked upon in a much better light than someone from Poland or Lithuania. Or heck, even Greece or Italy or Spain.

And then when you look at it in a general world perspective the lines between gender and racial privilege start to get even more bloody confusing. I'm staying with my parents at the moment in the UAE, and I've sort of lived in the Middle East for about ~8 years give or take, and stuff is weird here. Arabs from certain 'bad' countries with light skin, even Egyptians and Syrians, people who for all intents and purposes almost look a little European, are discriminated against by the ruling elite in Gulf countries - and Africans with darker skin are treated in a subhuman manner unless they have some Emirati or Qatari blood in them. White people, broadly speaking, including those white people that face huge discrimination in Western Europe and the States, are venerated as these sort of divine beings with incalculable knowledge - both genders, in fact. They are seen as people that should be the faces of companies and deserve the highest pay (even if they don't work as hard as other people) and most importantly, these people are seen as expats. To be an expat is to live the life - free accommodation, company provided car, your children's education paid for, the works. Whereas a guy like my Dad, who is Indian-American and is thus the wrong sort of American and most certainly the wrong shade of brown in the eyes of his employers, would get paid much less and is not seen as an expat.

I'm steering way off course right now but I guess my point is, racial relations are bloody weird and incredibly confusing to me, and often intersect and supersede gendered hierarchies and are just altogether an odd state of affairs. I'd go into East Asia and their view on race as well and stuff gets even more confusing but then this post would become even more convoluted, so I should probably stop, haha.

disbell  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You didn't get to East Asia, but do you mind if I do? I lived in Korea for a few years and my wife is Korean.

Things work a bit differently than in the UAE, though there are some similarities, based on your description. The ethnic Korean majority is the top of the heap. After that, it's really hard to say... within that majority, men definitely have a couple rungs on women. Among minorities, "westerners" or people from developed countries (this would include places like Japan or Taiwan, I think) are at the top of the heap (and among them, whites are generally treated better than black, brown, or Asian westerners). Yet its hard to say that "white privilege" applies- while whites in Korea do have certain privileges compared to say, laborers from Cambodia, it's clear that Korean males run the show- privilege is based on power.

Anyway, a theme throughout East Asia in "race" relations is ethno-nationalism (ethnicity is tied to national identity) and a dynamic relationship between economic and racial/ethnic status of outsiders. A black American would be somewhat more positively viewed than a black African in many such countries. A Thai American might have to deal with more shit in Japan than a white American (including stuff like "so... where are you really from?"), but will probably have a bit more social status than a Thai-Thai.

So on that note, I would agree, to a small degree, with sentiments expressed in this topic that American race relations don't necessarily apply to a global discussion of race. "It's a white man's world" requires some qualification (ethnic minorities in China might say it's a Han man's world), but we can certainly say "It's a white man's country". But that's kind of nitpicking, and I think the original post is spot-on to frame the issue in the US.

pyrrhonic  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·  

In the case of Korea you also have to take geopolitics into account. America's military presence makes a weird hierarchy. Several GIs have literally gotten away with murder. But even if you're a white civilian you get get deported just for a fist fight.

Something I hadn't considered before I went to Korea was the difference that various East Asians are viewed there. In retrospect it's not too surprising, but still quite a shock coming from the States. There's an intense anti-Japanese sentiment, and yet a grudging respect. Whereas Chinese, Filipinos and SE Asians aren't very highly regarded, but also not hated.

There's also the subtle colorism in Korea. Fair skin is supposedly more beautiful. I'm sure this effects a lot of people there on an unconscious level.

Every so often there's TEFL job listings that explicitly say "whites only" need apply. I'm rather encouraged that so many white expats have spoken up about it. It's still so strange to me that someone from Asian descent is automatically not considered a "real" American/Canadian/etc. And they'll get laughed at for not speaking 100% perfect Korean whereas whites sometimes get praised for saying 안녕하세요.

disbell  ·  3465 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think the American military presence is much less of a factor. The Army has gotten better about managing the young enlisted crowd, and anymore there's a greater likelihood that off-base shenanigans gets off-base punishments. And to be really blunt, GIs, especially enlisted, are viewed pretty low in comparison to other OECD foreigners by Koreans... just about the bottom of the developed-world heap. It used to be much worse, in terms of both how some GIs got away with stuff and general tensions between GIs and locals. In the 70s, there was a major riot in/near Itaewon, which started with black GIs not being provided the same services (as well as "services", ahem) as white GIs.

The colorism you brought up is interesting. Yeah, it exists, but I wouldn't say that it has a major impact all on its own. It's more or less something that kids tease each other about, and less directly, might play some role with the extreme importance of outward appearance in Korea (pictures on resumes, etc). It's also important to note that this colorism has just about nothing at all to do with white people; it's been considered a mark of beauty and class in Korea for centuries (kind of like it used to be in Europe, where you didn't want to identify as a tanned laborer).

The TEFL thing also requires a little more nuance. Those shitty job listings are written by the privileged majority, and they're also among the worst jobs. Korean Americans get the shaft there, but then again Korean Americans get easy access to a much better visa. Interestingly, Irish and other native speakers (white or otherwise) often have doors closed based on their accent- some schools specifically want a North American (most common) or RP-British teacher. We can connect all this back to ethno-nationalism (even ethno-linguistic-nationalism?), as language teaching visas in Korea are restricted to countries where some bureaucatic process has decided real native speakers come from- generally, wealthy(-ish) countries with a visible white population. So South Africans, regardless of what language they actually learned first, are in (including black and brown, though much less common in practice), while Indians and Phillipinos are out- again, you can see some blurry lines between race and economic status.

pyrrhonic  ·  3464 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Wow, never heard about that riot before. I was also thinking about resumes re: colorism. Tho with the way they touch the photos up, I'm sure it not as much of a prejudicial point as it could be. I've noticed in other parts of Asia not even Ireland or S. Africa are considered "real" native English countries.

Herunar  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, ethno-nationalism is a pretty huge theme in race-relations throughout East Asia, the Middle East and heck even bits of Europe too. You really hit the nail on the head on that one.

RicePaddy  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well said. I've lived roughly half my life in the UAE and your depiction of the situation there is pretty accurate. Race issues are weird and simply aren't as black and white (no pun intended) as some people make it out to be.