I had to cut off my dreads in Detroit, because I had a stalker, and I stuck out everywhere. I let this girl stay with me for a night. She was rude to my roommate, and we had to ask her to leave. Her and her boyfriend threw a big fit that night. Then five months later he comes up to me at school, and describes how he is going to kill me. I am freaked out enough to miss a few exams, I end up quitting school. That and other drama, resulted in panic attacks, agoraphobia, suicide attempts, and eventually catatonia. Right now I was too afraid to fill out my exit interview for the job, I just had to quit. My boss picked me up with her family in the car, and yelled at me for talking shit about her being a felon. I feel like I already got my revenge with her. I got a scholarship for staying at a job for so long, where my boss was completely disrespecting my employment rehabilitation coordinator. I already already trapped in a place with tons of awful people, threats on the internet are much less scary. Some people are way too invested in the online world, I'm pretty blase. change outfits and styles of clothing