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You'll notice that the most Democratic has the lowest turnout, while the most Republican has the highest. Ever wonder why Republicans have disproportionate representation in Congress?
JakobVirgil · 4644 days ago · link ·
that skew is well known I thought the placement of churches seems almost racist.
somebody should run some group analysis on it.
ignore the top right-hand corner I think those are out liars.
I think that a lot of these demographics would line up pretty well along racial lines. I used to live on a street in the ghetto that had a White Castle, Church's and Popeye's in a four or five block stretch. You just don't see that in Appalachia, where you find a Cracker Barrel every three miles along I-75.
JakobVirgil · 4643 days ago · link ·
I noticed that white castle folks are more likely to vote.