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comment by Dr_Jones
Dr_Jones  ·  4720 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Julian Friedland: Philosophy Is Not a Science
A few comments to the architects of this site.

The reply system is unfriendly. Having to load up a separate page to make a reply is inconvenient. No way to edit replies. Markup is a bit clunky as you can see from my post. No way to collapse threads. Needs to be a bit smarter.

Also, and this is really important, when I first tried to make my reply, it ate all my content and said the page had expired! Do you put a timer on these things? A great way to kill off a thoughtful exchange. Thankfully I had copied my reply to the paste-buffer.

mk  ·  4716 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Hey Dr. Jones. I have implemented replies as same-page slide downs. Thanks for the suggestion.

Now I am going to look into the comment caching timeouts.

Definitely feel free to send any more feedback you might have.

mk  ·  4720 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Thanks for the feedback. I think b_b covered the issue of spaces in markup. Let me look into the timeout. I'll get back to you on that.

As for replies on the same page, I think it is a great idea. I can work in hidden reply boxes.

Thread collapsing hasn't been an issue since our activity is modest, but it's definitely something that I would consider adding as comment numbers continue to climb.

b_b  ·  4720 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Also, after you reply, you should notice there is an "edit" button to the right of you name.
b_b  ·  4720 days ago  ·  link  ·  
To quote in the markup, you should surround the text to be quoted | text | without spaces, same for all of the markups. Spaces kill them. Secondly, we haven't added collapsible threads, because we haven't really needed to yet. Its certainly been discussed. I'm not sure about the timeout bug; sometimes its a problem and sometimes not. We'll fix it eventually (I hope). To you comment about loading a separate page, we have it because otherwise you would need a reply box below every comment. Right now you can reply to the main post directly, but adding this feature to every comment would be impossible and unsightly. Thanks for the feedback; always appreciated.

As to your reply about the Morris piece. I agree that its not a "take down" of Kuhn, but I don't think its supposed to be. I think its Morris recounting his days studying under him, and his failure to grasp Kuhn's motives for being so vehemently married to his particular brand of relativism. Of course, he has to broach the philosophy to do this, but I think its more of a critique of Kuhn himself, almost settling a personal score in his own mind. Perhaps not Morris' best writing, but I'm a big fan of his, generally, so when someone throws out Scientific Revolutions, he immediately comes to mind.

edit: I just talk to mk, the boss 'round these parts, and he thinks collapsible reply boxes are an easy fix. So looks like I'm the tool there. Thanks for the suggestion! I think it'll look good and be more functional.

Dr_Jones  ·  4720 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Thanks for the reply.

    To quote in the markup, you should surround the text to be quoted
text | without spaces, same for all of the markups. Spaces kill them.|

Let's see if I figured it out...

    I agree that its not a "take down" of Kuhn, but I don't think its supposed to be.

Sure, but b_b thought it was a critique. More like an interesting portrait of a very difficult relationship.

b_b  ·  4720 days ago  ·  link  ·  
By the way, welcome to Hubski. Hope after you get squared away with the markups and whatnot you enjoy it!