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- No, Trump is not a member of the House. But that doesn't matter. The Constitution does not actually require the speaker to be a member, only to be elected by a majority of those who are. (It's true! You can look it up: Article I, Section 2.)
You know, for a bit, I had some respect for trump. Sure, he is crazy, but I think he is smart enough to know how to appeal to the large audiences while being an "idiot". So many people love a black and white world, where we build walls when we need them, regardless of what is best to do. Then I saw the debate, and he directly says "I think vaccines cause autism" and that all went out the window.
Trump is ignorant and insane, but it's going to be a GOP man anyway, so, sure, I'd be up for an experiment. As the author says, let him prove his acclaimed negotiating skills. The only scary part is that he'd be third in line for President.