We need to enforce gun restrictions! Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Asides, the person was mentally ill, we should focus on curing that. Every time a white person is a killer, it's an illness, of course, but when a black person does it, he is a thug. This is a sign of white/male entitlement, and we need to stop letting men think they deserve the world. Clearly he was a frustrated young man without a place thanks to feminists. It would all be fine if women weren't so stuck up. The person was in poverty, living a bad life, with no care, how can we not see that the medicare system is broken, we need to put more money into it. The killer played x game or watched y movie. It's clear that violence in the media is encouraging these people to murder, we need to stop normalizing and desensitizing our youth. Here we see the killer playing table tennis, clearly a sign of his deranged makeup.