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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  3237 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how do you budget ?

Yeah I think it's definitely better for one person / a few accounts. Even having my brokerage in there screws things up when I'm looking at it for me. I'd like to know how much I've made and spent this month (you know, from work and stuff) but on a good month I may have dividends (that immediately get reinvested) screw that number up. Say I make 2000 and spend 1000. My dividends are then recorded as +500 and then -500. So it'll actually say I made 2500 and spent 1500. The difference is the same, but when the numbers are larger is confusing as all hell.

I think I might throw that one into a separate mint account just for the emails telling me my ups and downs. There is probably a setting to hide it from my daily spending stuff but I haven't become annoyed enough yet.