Guilty. I am undoubtedly well-insulated from misery. I sometimes take stock and find myself seated, in a climate-controlled room, with no physical discomfort, and emergency medical treatment a phone call away. For a mammal, this is unthinkable luxury. Among all human beings ever born, I have hit the jackpot. Among humans living today, I am in the Lucky 1%. I hope that “most people have it pretty good” will become more true over time. The Giving What We Can site mentioned seems to target British donors. I found a page on GiveWell that would take a PayPal contribution.This is also why I am wary whenever people start boasting about how much better we’re doing than back in the bad old days.
That precise statement seems to in fact be true. But people have a bad tendency to follow it up with “And so now most people have it pretty good”.