Happy New Year Hubski. I appreciate every last one of you and I hope great things for every last one of you in the coming year. Now I'm gonna go get drunk and watch my wife play Fallout 4. #qualitytime
Fireworks are tough. I have never had much success and yours looks good! I rang out the year by introducing my nephew to filet mignon and foie gras. Just the two of us. (Yeah I know I am a monster with the foie gras... I just can't help myself on the extremely rare occasion and he always insists I make something for him he has never had before.) Had some Coppola wine. Talked with him about the concepts of being a locavore, organics, free-range, etc. and Michael Pollan's seven words: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." It was a really good night.
Here's to the end of a great year and the beginning of another that has can be even better. Happy new year everyone.