Holy. Shit. You would not believe the amount of stories I have heard and experienced when it comes to dudes and their manual/oral skills. The most common thing seems to be that if you just poke the magic button a few times, bam, we are ready to go. No. Genitals vary. This is as true for women as much as it is for men: it actually took me a while to realize not all guys are always instantly ready to go. It can take some time to get comfortable with getting all up in someone's business. Hell, the only reason I have ANY prowess when it comes to penises is because I googled it. Awkward teenagers do not discuss this shit or have healthy "pillow talk." Young twenty-somethings sometimes don't either. Some people never do. Unfortunately, this is where people often get hung up: being honest and open about sex. Right now, sex ed is generally about reproduction only, which is not good enough. You know what? We SHOULD talk about fun sex. We should talk about libido, how yes you are normal if your sex drive is not as high/low as you think it should be. We should talk about how masturbation is okay and normal and it's important to know your body. We should talk about how sex is RARELY (if ever) like pornography. Not getting rock hard/dripping like a faucet instantly? Let's talk about that too. We should talk about how to fucking TALK about sex because the amount of people I have venting to me about their partner doing/not doing X but expecting them to read their minds is appalling. Most importantly, we should talk about consent. It is not that we don't talk about the clitoris all the time. It's that sometimes we don't talk about anything at all. Got into a little bit of a rant here. Like Jesus fucking Christ can we not all agree that orgasms are awesome and we should work together to mutually enjoy as many as possible?!