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comment by barradarcy
barradarcy  ·  4599 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Md. Gun Law Found Unconstitutional
I'd have to say that knives might be a better option. There is no risk of anybody accidently shooting somebody if they are with a knife. For somebody to be stabbed by said person, they would have to have provoked it (to an extreme) themselves. Guns on the other hand can go off accidently, fall into the wrong hands (such as a curious child) or be fired off in the heat of the moment. Pepper spray is also an option unless either person (attacker or victem) has an unfortunate allergy to some ingrediant in the spray and ends up dead..... ....of course, in the case of the attacker, this is their own ^^^^ing fault.

b_b  ·  4599 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Oddly enough, in Michigan (and I know this is the case in many states) guns are barely regulated, but knives are highly illegal in most areas. For example, if I have a legally obtained firearm--handgun or long gun--I can walk around the streets carrying it or having it in a holster. As long as its visible, I am not committing a crime. Knives, on the other hand, are regulated by municipalities. I suppose this is because there isn't any national political debates about knives. Therefore, there are some places where I can be on one side of the street with my 5" blade in plain sight, but get arrested and go to jail if I cross the street to the neighboring municipality. Its a strange world.