I found a place to live in London! OK, I'm subletting from one of my friends so it's only good for a week and a half but it saves me a little bit of time and money compared to taking a train ~100 miles every day. I need to make the most of the time I have to look for a place to settle down, but at least it's easy to go look at rooms after I finish work now. Work is going OK, although programming is still difficult and I need to get better. There are some ways that that could be made easier for everyone, but I am not about to display chutzpah and start insisting we do such and such a thing that I read on Hacker News (thank you goobster) because I need to Prove Myself and because I Am Wrong, this means not being a smart-arse. I can do that. I think. I need to make sure I don't get comfortable. I'm still bad at fighting the post-lunch drowsiness, which can easily steal away an hour of productivity. We're near the end of a sprint, so while I am not being timed for this one, I don't want to look like I'm lazing around. You're probably all laughing at how novel I find this stuff
Congratulations, man!! On all of it. Seriously. You got the bull by the horns, now ride it. I had a flat on Kensington High Street, right across from the park, way back in the olden days of the mid 2000's. I loved being able to work in London for two weeks, and then go back home to Budapest for 2-3 weeks. It meant I had enough time to get around and explore, but not get tired of anything. Drink it all in, man. You are doing it!