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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3270 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The global feed is fucked

I tag shit as #spam. It's probably 99% of the tagging I do. As a consequence, it's a solution that works for me. I also block spammers. As a consequence, I see spam domains once. I'm not asking anyone to do shit for me - I'm doing it all by myself. Sorta follows, then, that I'm not seeing any problem. But since my method is unpopular, it also follows that nobody knows about it because when in doubt, force a system change to accommodate your needs, right?

mk and I have been around and around on this about eighty gajillion times. The fundamental problem is that he doesn't value tags, therefore he sees no solutions in tags or their taxonomy. Thus, the general idea that "spam" has to be dealt with by dealing with the users who promote spam, rather than stuff that is tagged as spam.

The problem is that anything other than sharing is seen by the posse as on/off. yes spam, no spam. yes thistag, no thistag. It's the same problem with tags - if it's #writing, it's different from #writebetterdammit and there's no mechanism for showing a subscriber of #writing anything in #writebetterdammit unless she hard follows it. On the other hand, if we had numerical affinity rather than binary, if ten people saw the link and seven people tagged it #spam, anybody filtering #spam with a threshold over three wouldn't see the link. But we don't have that implemented and we probably never will because tags have cooties and are an affront to a thinking person's web or something.

So odds are, you whingeing about spam is going to cause mk and forwardslash and rob05c to go through and edit out the spammers (again... for the nth time...) because they want people to be happy, whereas me pointing out that the problem is entirely fucking solved through tagging is going to fall on deaf ears.

It just pisses me off. This shit is easy and you don't need to make anybody do anything for you. But top down, nobody wants to talk about it because it violates the sacrosanct pact of the user-follow.

mk  ·  3269 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    The fundamental problem is that he doesn't value tags, therefore he sees no solutions in tags or their taxonomy. Thus, the general idea that "spam" has to be dealt with by dealing with the users who promote spam, rather than stuff that is tagged as spam.

We do have a trigger for users that are filtered by many. It seems reasonable that we can do the same for users that garner a lot of #spam tags. Unfortunately, the bastards often create an account for each spam post. I really don't want to have a probationary period or something like that.

A possibility would be an auto #newuser community tag, and that like #spam, logged out users and new users would be filtering it automatically. We could then rely on the community to change the #newuser tag on deserving posts. Until a user had a post that had the tag removed, all their posts would carry the #newuser tag.

kleinbl00  ·  3269 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So I gotta ask - what did you do to the stuff tagged as spam that's pissing off nowaypablo? 'cuz when I unfilter it and look at it, there's like 20 things from the past 50 days.

mk  ·  3269 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I nuked them. With spambots/spamshops, we have the conundrum that even if they are unseen, they are creating invisible posts that must be stored, and must be avoided in searches, etc.

It's a pain in the ass. Basically their posts are now invisible and they get a new password.

Having our data saved in files rather than a proper database makes the pain of storing spam posts all the more acute. Thankfully rob05c is getting close to a complete migration to a SQL database. I think after we get that done, I am going to make some sort of functionality where they can nuke themselves.

nowaypablo  ·  3269 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Jesus it's not pissing me off I made the post to acknowledge the experience of a new user on Hubski, not because me or you or another long-time user is unable to handle it :D

user-inactivated  ·  3269 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Not mk, but this was pretty similar to the spam invasion of late summer last year. Multiple posts an hour, in a different language, flooding global. It was actually pretty bad. I think he scrubbed them.

nowaypablo  ·  3270 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Okay so the most proactive thing to do is to obviously tag spam yourself. I also do this, but I still think you're skirting over my point. There's maybe 10 people who do this, and I'm certainly the lesser in frequency or regularity.

It still warrants a group of active spam filterers doing the job for everyone, assuming "everyone" filters #spam. And, still, every post we filter is immediately replaced with another at every refresh. So I don't think that solves anything, still especially to a newcomer, but I'm sorry youre bothered by my whining.

kleinbl00  ·  3269 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm not skirting your point, I'm denying its accuracy. "Shares" are crowd-sourced ranking, and that's what makes the site work. crowd-sourced spam filtering is in exactly the same spirit, with exactly the same granularity and control.

You're also wrong. As mentioned, I filter spam and block accounts newer than 2 days and I see none of the spam you do. My solution works.

Devac  ·  3270 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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lm  ·  3266 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I am not particularly awake at the moment, but I think you may find fuzzy set theory interesting. I'm not sure it'd be feasible for hubski, but some sort of fuzzy clustering approach on tags could make for an interesting newsfeed.

Devac  ·  3266 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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kleinbl00  ·  3270 days ago  ·  link  ·