The break-up changes you physically. I lost 12 pounds the first month after my who's-crying-now ex dumped me. Also drinking less or not at all changes you. Also there are so many bugs around. Meanwhile, the letter is sent. It's important to write it and to write a lot: sending it? meh? Write your feelings when you feel like it. Put her name at the top of the page if these are things you want to say to her, then save the letter in drafts. Read it five years from now. It's hard and painful, but I think the human being is built to get over it. Eventually.
Thanks lil, I've been writing down a running log of things I want to say to her, it has been helping me a lot with organizing my thoughts and letting out negative energy. Even just looking back at writing from the past few days, it's amazing to see how much my feelings have been fluctuating. It's nice to see what feels like progress.