Rainmeter, a few addons, and a scan of a tattoo concept sketch by some Japanese artist. The speaker/headphone button switches audio between headset and TV, the weather text at the bottom changes based on some local reporting station. The D: drive is my mass media and program storage, X: drive changes based on what removeable media is installed. I want to find a good icon set for chrome, VLC, few other things, and get a better scan or photoshopped version of the background, it's a little blocky for big screens. But I love the fuck out of it.
Pretty cool, hey? I think my favourite feature is being able to hide it. I have it set up to only be active when I hit CtrlAltSpace. It's so much faster than taskbar! I also run Taskbar Eliminator. Auto-hide is great, but it annoys me if I accidentally mouse over and bring it up.
I didn't think I would like 10 at all. I got convinced to not just get a clean windows 7 install by a very knowledgeable guy who wasn't on microsofts payroll. Aside from some advertising issues I had to fix a few settings to get rid of, it's pretty responsive, and things are arranged pretty ergonomically, for windows anyway. Also I get a kick out of using Cortana because I'm a Halo buff, even if the new games are shit.
I'm sitting at 101 keys, 36 faders, 7 audio monitors, 3 video monitors, a Mac Mini, a Mac Pro and a fire-breathing 5960x clocked at 4.5GHz all connected with a 4x2 DVI KVM. I've been on Macs for fifteen years. And after last week, I can honestly say that I find configuring Win10 to be easier, less headache-inducing and more likely to be successful than OS X.