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comment by snoodog
snoodog  ·  3110 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Deutsche Bank freezes plans for North Carolina jobs on transgender law

I guess I don't get it. Why do we even have men's and women's bathrooms? I understand that urinals are more efficient so why not just section off the urinals and the stalls and call it a day. Things would be more efficient that way. Dressing rooms and showers are still a problem and should be according to birth or legal gender because otherwise you leave a voyerism loophole where a guy can just hang out in the ladies shower and say he self identified as female.

As for the boycott it's probably not actually related but just an excuse to cover up financial issues/risks without spooking the investors. DB is in big financial trouble and this is just an excuse to cut their losses