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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3095 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why is American home birth so dangerous?

Would you link to Andrew Weil, Q? Deepak Chopra? How 'bout Dr. Oz? So why link to Amy Tuteur?

So you know, she's a first-class crank and bender of truth. She used to put a whole bunch of crazy shit up on open.salon.com but that got taken down without a citation - this from the publication that wrote a lengthy disclaimer about their crazy vaccine autism thing from 2005.

The fact of the matter is this: there is virtually zero data on home birth in the United States because nobody does these studies. Oregon has had viable data since 2012; here's the study.

What's funny (what's tuteur) is that the actual data, as pointed out by the New York Times editorial board, was that ZOMG the rate of home birth mortality in Oregon is 3.6/1000 while the rate of hospital mortality is 1.8/1000. Not seven, two. But still, like ZOMG, twice as likely to die, right? Of course, home birth mothers were 1/6th as likely to end up with a c-section (which increases mortality rate in women by 4x) even if they ended up going to the hospital but just like the difference between "two" and "seven" we'll just shine that on 'cuz we're Amy Tuteur.

Just so you're aware, this is data from one state - a state where midwives weren't required licensure until 2015. The data, FWIW, comes from 2012 to 2013. It should also be pointed out that over half of all births in Oregon are paid for by the Oregon Health Plan... which has been silently (and without explanation) denying claims to midwives, thereby leading to the closure of three practices in the past nine months alone.

Birth in humans is more dangerous than birth in bonobos. Humans deliver a 12-month baby in 10 months (humans have a 40-week gestation - surprise!) because if the baby got any bigger women couldn't walk upright. It's tricky. And the way to make that safer is to have integrated healthcare that winnows out high-risk mothers from low-risk approaches. Like the rest of the world has.

Or we could, you know, make up shit. That's what works for Dr. Tuteur.

user-inactivated  ·  3094 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I know that name. This is the nutjob who went out against Breastfeeding.

She got kicked out/left the SBM folks 6-7 years ago as well for promoting woo. Official Statement

Natural medicine and Natural Health is something that should be looked into. Unfortunately these two fields attract a large contingent of whack jobs, which hurts those people looking into those fields with a reality-based focus.

    Birth in humans is more dangerous than birth in bonobos. Humans deliver a 12-month baby in 10 months (humans have a 40-week gestation - surprise!) because if the baby got any bigger women couldn't walk upright. It's tricky. And the way to make that safer is to have integrated healthcare that winnows out high-risk mothers from low-risk approaches. Like the rest of the world has.

Which is why we have the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world We don't do pre-natal care, or paid maternity leave, or better day care etc.

One of the reason that I cannot stand the peddlers of woo, like this tard, is that they drag the conversation away from the fixes and solutions.

reguile  ·  3093 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Natural medicine and Natural Health is something that should be looked into.

It is, has been, and the stuff that works well and is cheap enough to turn into a pill and distribute becomes known as "medicine".

kleinbl00  ·  3094 days ago  ·  link  ·  
user-inactivated  ·  3094 days ago  ·  link  ·