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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  3231 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why the outcome of the 2016 election is already crystal clear

I think that Trump could be in for a Mondale sized ass whipping. Clinton leads by this much, and the Clinton-media-machine hasn't even been primed yet, let alone warmed up. I think her best strategy is to not engage with him at all. He's at his best when he's getting personal. She will lose a battle of the insults. As difficult as it will be, she should just ignore all the mud slung her way. Democratic super PACs can handle all the relevant mud slinging back the other direction. I'll bet there are some real gems in that archival, never-made-it-to-air reality stuff that Trump's been a part of since the 80s. I'll bet we're talking racism, sexism, narcissism, the whole nine yards. If you thought "47%" was bad, this is going to explode some heads. I think by the time Clinton's camp has had all the way until November to chew him up and spit him out, he might be looking at like Kansas, Wyoming and Alaska, and not much else. That all depends on the extent to which all the non-white eligible voters register and show in the south. He might even drop out of the race by October.

kleinbl00  ·  3231 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I think that Trump could be in for a Mondale sized ass whipping.

Bottom link below:

    Republicans have voted for the presidential candidate who was perceived to be more electable in every primary campaign since 1988. They have won only three times, with two men named Bush, winning the popular vote in that span only twice. Just one of those wins could be fairly characterized as a landslide — and that was against Michael Dukakis.

You again:

    She will lose a battle of the insults. As difficult as it will be, she should just ignore all the mud slung her way.

"The “woman’s card” merchandise and related fund-raising messages have brought in over $2.4 million dollars in donations, some from people who had never given to Clinton before."

I will reiterate - Hilary Clinton nearly passed Obamacare in 1993 - despite being the first lady, not the president, and despite the fact that Rush Limbaugh was proclaiming on broadcast television that the Clintons had Vince Foster murdered to hide their secret Arkansas drug-running runways.

Hilary Clinton is William Munny and Donald Trump sure as fuck ain't Li'l Bill.