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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3090 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why the outcome of the 2016 election is already crystal clear

I can point to exactly where it started.

Here's the thing: Prior to 2004, gays just didn't get married. They didn't try to get married. Nobody was going to issue them a marriage license (although I attended a gay wedding in Santa Fe, NM in 1984, nobody expected it to be recognized by anyone). Then the mayor of San Francisco, in an obvious move to pander to his constituency and thumb his nose at the Republican Party, issued marriage licenses in direct opposition to the state legislature.

Which gave Turdblossom'n'co the opportunity to get the bigots out to vote for Bush so that OH BOY we could put those liberals in their place! But then all these upright christians, who didn't actually care about it all that much, discovered that it wasn't hard to have a conversation with someone who at least had a gay relative and didn't see what all the fuss was about.

And then all these laws got passed basically saying "fuck gay marriage" and emboldened by San Francisco, the gay rights crew set about making those upright christians, who didn't actually care about it all that much, embarrassed by their actions.

Because really? I mean, Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter. It's not like middle America is devoid of homosexuals. And most people aren't motivated by hatred. So when it came down to it, they were willing to not hate.

And here we are.

user-inactivated  ·  3090 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Huh. I could have sworn that was 2006, as a reaction to ol'e Turdblossum. But yea, that is where it started.