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comment by bioemerl

The republican party is what keeps the US unique from Europe.

I realize they are very extreme, and their views are often incorrect and potentially harmful, but they represent the spirit in the US of individualism, freedom from government, and personal power that doesn't exist in most European nations.

They are wrong on global warming, they are wrong on abortion, they are wrong on other things as well.

However, it is the republican who will be willing to go nuclear to solve climate change.

It is the republican who will be willing to use the power the US has to push other nations around, and while you may say that isn't needed, I should point to you what happened when the US withdrew, and the consistent policies of Hillary on the matter of US intervention.

It is the republican who will continue to enforce the right to be free from regulations, to be able to own weapons, to not have a company like Uber end up cut open and gutted by regulation.

Europeans don't have this strong force in their politics, not to my knowledge, and they suffer because of it.

Yes republicans have a bad side, and that bad side has grown stronger as time has passed, but ultimately their core ideals hold strong, and the current time of extremism is going to pass, or a new party will replace the republicans (libertarian I hope).

Ultimately this article(based on the quote you posted) is fear mongering, putting words into people's mouths and voicing a clearly one sided viewpoint.

On the bare contexts, I agree, the republican party is shit. However, they aren't saying "lets make lives for our grandchildren as bad as possible". Instead, they see you saying "lets watch as the Chinese and Russians make our grandchildren's lives as bad as possible."

DragonflyMind  ·  3076 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree with this perception of Republicans as watchdogs, and I didn't even realize how much until you put it into words. Their staunch skepticism on policy changes often gives legislators much needed time to mull things over.

However, it also leads to things like the ACA, where special interests overtake the constituents' desires, and government shutdowns. Their potential for nationalistic radicalization can also get a bit too real sometimes for my tastes.