candid and legit article for those who are overcoming the sheer shock of this fucking election and trying to analyze and understand what the actual shit is going on.
I don't mean to come at you, so please don't read this as me yelling; I'm genuinely curious. Do you not see a huge cognitive dissonance in preferring Sanders as a first choice and Trump as a second? The only thing they have in common is an opponent. On policy they're so different as to not be from the same planet.
With respect, you're expressing a very us-and-them mentality, by comparing Sanders and Trump as outsiders to their respective establishments, as if either of them would be fine as long as Clinton doesn't win. For one, there's a difference between Trump's lack of corporate donations, and Sanders' lack of corporate donations. Their economic policies stretch a lot further than TPP. The jobs thing, I'm sorry, is absolutely bananas. What jobs are Americans competing for, exactly? Picking tomatoes for $2/hr? Are immigrants keeping Americans from taking those jobs? I'm so so so inexperienced and immature when it comes to election processes as I'm a toddler compared to a lot of peoples' experience on this site. But one thing I'm aware of is a dissonance between what is really going on in an American's motivations that inclines one towards a candidate, and what arguments they use to justify that subconscious choice, simply a side to be on and adopt that us-and-them nonsense.
What's going on is the government already picked Hilary to win years ago and is putting on the same circus they do all the time to distract everyone while they subtly continue to siphon your rights away all while making you think your vote matters in a republic olgiarchy. Good article though. I think people are sick of the same old thing in office and are willing to try something desperate to improve things. Bernie wants you to be poorer and less free. Hilary is evil incarnate, Trump is an angry idiot who is going to make lots of turbulence. Who knows, maybe congress could unify to getting things done again uniting as allies against a common enemy.
Two options here: People are naturally acting and things are going on. There is a massive conspiracy that everyone happens to buy into that is run by a group of people seeking to control the world. Mankind has been naturally ruled by small groups for ages and ages, and this has always been true in the history of the USA as well. Our government does not exist to "elect the common man" or "represent the views of the people". It exists to hold rules responsible to the public eye and ensure they do not harm the public. The public is still able to have it's voice heard, and people like Trump and Bernie are a testament to that. I don't believe for even a moment that there is some oligarchy controlling everyone's views.
Maybe not, but the US is presently an Ogliarchy who have the power and use that power to gain more power.
The argument goes, in fact, that some of the most powerful people in the country thought they were an oligarchy until very recently. And now they're a bit flummoxed. See for reference the endogenous collapse of the GOP leadership last year. The more libertarian, business-oriented members of that party have taken this election on the seat of their pants. And meanwhile liberals are becoming their own worst enemies, too. It's a fairly interesting time to follow politics, as long as you keep yourself on a one month time delay.