Nope. This was not taken from The Onion.
Human willpower and self-actualization still do not supersede the laws of thermodynamics.
"Kind of a misleading title. Only 30 people out of 7000 were injured, because walking on coals isn't actually that dangerous. I don't think there's many things out there involving fire where only .5% of participants manage to burn themselves. And this is only a news story because 5 people requested medical care beyond what was already provided." True. But if you're Tony Robbin's, you reap what you sow. To see him on the receiving end of a bit of sensationalism seems fitting. I have a close friend whose employer has bought into his cult of personality in huge investments of money and time. This has left my friend to pick up the slack as a result.
Use | as a way to quote people (one at the beginning, one at the end). makes life easier.
I feel like I see the same headline every few years. I skimmed the article and yup, there was another incident just like this one in 2012. I'm more surprised that people think that it can't happen and also that he holds many of these seminars without incident. I don't see the scorn for this that others seem to. It's a mind over matter thing that doesn't always work.