I'm not a gamer but I like watching gamers on youtube. The stories I've heard are that the Steam servers are getting overloaded and that it's hard to get on to see what's on sale. One Let's Player is saying to wait until later in the season unless the sale is really good or the price is right since the prices usually come down later in the season. Although I'm not a gamer, I've been tempted to get a game on Steam called Slime Rancher. It's in beta, I think. I haven't checked to see if it's on sale. It's the last thing I need right now. But I really liked watching it played on youtube.
Slime Rancher is on sale, but only 20% ($16) and it's still Early Access. My general rule for Early Access: But what's there now, not on anything that is promised, so it's up to you. I've been interested in that one too. As for waiting for better deals: IsThereAnyDeal can tell you if a game's been cheaper before. It's always a risk that something will go cheaper later and it usually does with the rare exception. They don't do the whole 8-12 hour deals anymore and everything stays the same price until the end of the sale, so you have through this Sunday to decide if something's worth it.
Thanks for that price update and correction about early access. Both are reasons that I won't be getting it. That's too high for me for a game that's not even completed. I've seen one gamer do an update video when they added some stuff, but the updates aren't going really fast. Will you be getting it?
Don't think it's quite there yet for me, price or content wise. It's been on my radar though because one of the streamer/youtubers I watch has played it and the fact that I've never seen anything be creative with various forms of slimes except Dragon Warrior, so it immediately popped out at me when I first saw it.