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comment by couchpillow
couchpillow  ·  3035 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 29, 2016

    The fact that you're trying says a lot. I wish my parents had done something similar.

Thank you for the encouragement, much appreciated. I try to encourage him to be as open and honest with me as possible. I don't ever want him to fear asking me a question about anything. I know many of the things I 'learned' about on the playground instead of going to my parents, and I'd much rather him give a perspective of someone that's a little more experienced than what another 12 or 13 year old would have to offer.

    I'm probably going to be spending my holiday alone. I'm going to make myself a picnic, grab some beer and go out on a lake somewhere and veg out.

That sounds nice and relaxing though, as long as you can appreciate the alone time. I generally enjoy some peaceful solitude, but I definitely had some sad holidays alone when I first moved across the country. It was tough for a while not having any family or friends around to spend holidays with. But it's gotten better. :)