I don't live in a sketchy neighborhood, and you know what? Since I moved here EVERY SINGLE "interesting" transportation event I've had that has involved another person has taken place in a crosswalk. And I don't just mean biking. It's a fucking 0.3 mile walk from my home to the grocery store. I have to cross one street, at a stop light. This little jaunt accounts for a tiny fraction of my miles traveled, and nearly all of my near misses for the past year. A travel log of my grocery shopping would look like: - Positioned myself on the edge of the side walk - Made eye contact with car trying to make a right turn - Little walky guy turned white - Waited half a second - Checked to make sure car's front wheels were not moving - Stepped into intersection - Car tried to turn through me I can't stereotype who will do this by what kind of car they drive. Clunker civic? Check. Smart Car? Check. Mini-van? Check. BMW? Check. Maserati? Check.Third time I was in my astonishingly sketchy neighborhood crossing an astonishingly sketchy street - in the crosswalk - with the light - and a car ripped through it like the light wasn't there because I live in a shitty neighborhood.