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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3001 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: On Veganism

This has taken me longer to write a reply than I would have liked, especially given the amount of time I've spent reading it, contemplating it in comparison to previous opinions, and more outside reading(s). Can't quite put into words other than "thank you" for taking the time and patience to spell out and stick to what you meant. So from what I'm gathering, the notion of looking at the industry in terms of a "Holocaust," (in your words genocide) is flawed in terms of the intent of the industry: not to wipe out or exterminate whereas the former hinges on. Thus, looking at systematic slaughter of such an industry in that light would be close-minded and looking at only a snapshot of the process, applying a vastly different connotation. More or less along those lines? Pardon if that seems repetitive/parroting, it's more for my digestion, if anything.

The framing of the pig argument makes sense. I understand my position was the intrinsic value of life in such a sense would be equal. Again. Can't say much based on your response.

Honestly, I can't help but be amazed at the logical and compassionate approach you took throughout the discussion. I appreciate the time you put into it, I'm like to circle around to this later. And to do some more readings of my own... Thank you.

user-inactivated  ·  3000 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah. I think you pretty much understand why I and many other people object to referring the meat industry as a "holocaust" or "genocide" isn't really appropriate. While there might be some similar elements, depending on how you look at them, the actual end goal is something completely different. At its core, the goal is to feed people and make money. You're also absolutely right that connotations play a role in the discussion. By addressing the conversation realistically and accurately, you'll more easily come to understanding the actual issues and have a better chance at trying to address what are some very legitimate concerns.

As for the pig/man comparison, I think we both understand and appreciate where the other person is coming from. I'm actually a huge advocate for conservationism and biodiversity and I do have some very real reservations about the meat industry as well. I think we're really finally starting to see a turning point as a society in truly appreciating how important this fragile planet is to all of us, as evidence from our efforts to support green energy, control harmful emissions, promote renewable forestry, animal conservation, and on and on. I have high hopes that in my lifetime we can really turn this ship around.

I highly encourage you to read away and try to understand a lot of the issues involved. I think the more you read, the less black and white they'll seem, and you'll sway a bit here and there. That's totally okay because there's a lot of ways to look at things. What's right and wrong for the animals. What's right and wrong for us. What is beneficial, what is harmful, what is safe, what is dangerous. There are short term problems and long term problems. There are short term solutions and long term solutions. A lot of these angles conflict with each other and the more information you get, the more difficult the answers seem to come by. It's not always fun to think about and it's definitely not easy, but it's how the world is.

If I were to say one more thing, if you really look into this stuff, there are a lot of alarming videos and pictures out there. Don't look at them. You'll just upset yourself and there's no point. You and I both know already that animals out there are being hurt and that more often than not it is unnecessary and things need to change. You and I both know that we would like to see that change sooner rather than later. Those videos though? Those pictures? They will make you feel angry, they will make you feel powerless, and they while those feelings are absolutely rational and completely justified, they're not really going to do much to help you. To put it succinctly, seeing is believing, but you already believe it, so you don't need to see it.

user-inactivated  ·  3001 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Let me get back at you later tonight, when I can get in front of my computer and write out a thoughtful response. :)