Am I the only one who is calling bullshit on this entire conspiracy against Clinton? the polls are a fucking joke - and this entire scam has played into Clinton's favor. If you want to know what the hell is going on here. LOOK AT WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING. Money is not cash fyi. Or, the dollar is not money. Yes, I'm calling bullshit on the whole fucking thing. If I could short the entire dollar, I would. But I'm not there yet. If my words have you laughing then don't waste your time reading on First off, Clinton is beholdent to a floating currency that is, for a fact, being disowned by the rest of the real wealthy types in the world today. Trump understands the difference between money, and currency. What if this was all a fucking maneaveur by the Clinton resime to maintain the power and status quo as the impending collapse of our fiancial system is iminent? No, don't waste your time breaking apart my claims with links and your own knowledge. Waste of time You are all wrong, anyone want to bet money on it? Russia has more long term value than any country in the world. They know it. the imprint of the bloated - overbearing system of governance the current United States government has devolved to.... ESPECIALLY their unbalanced influence on the rest of the world out of said systems in place, is what is forcing the issue. Hillary Clinton as president is going to being a massive world conflict. 33% chance.... BECAUSE THE BITCH doesn't fucking care about reality, only implementing her ideals and being in power above those. The world doesn't turn on ideals Trump is not an ideologue, he is a fucking greedy bastard who is horrendously full of himself. Clinton is exactly the same but has pursued the same means in a completely oposite way. Hubski you've pissed me off again see you in a few weeks.
Trump is a man of questionable moral character and based on his record as owner and operator of a gambling casino not above exploiting his fellow human beings ("losers") for profit. He is also a narcissist of first order and unable to attract and take benefit from informed advice. Clinton is a member of an initiated servant family of the ruling oligarchy and (along with her husband) complicit in various crimes, including war crimes, and apparently "above the law". This nation has fallen to depths that was unimaginable merely 20 years ago, following other nations before it.