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comment by bioemerl
bioemerl  ·  3103 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: So apparently Hillary Clinton fainted today and r/politics is on fire about it.

You sound like a conspiracy theorist to me. "the media can't be trusted, abstract and vauge things are going on that I can't specify but are nonetheless bad"

Deltron_0  ·  3103 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I can most definately specfy them:

We're living through the longest, most developed, spending cycle in the history of mankind. And this game is nearing its end. The world consumption rate is a function of a system that has been manipulated so heavily by many political positions that the underlying assets have gone awry.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if that makes sense, I completely understand how one can see this observation. It has merit. Especially considering what I've been invited to study in the world...but I'm also realistically looking toward the future.

Everything happening right now with this presidential race is pivotal. I voice my opinion because history repeats itself, and social equality is not scalable.

  All the good peole who are now codependent on an unsustainable system are effectively being writen into a servant class, where their role is gift wrapped and presented as a bright future of peace and acceptance.  It's one step away from: 'without me, you are nothing.'

Yeah, a conspiracy theorist is fairly accurate. Most of us need a position of power to give us meaning. If that power comes in running with what I talk, thumbs up. Remember "talk is cheap." I only speak on what I've experienced.

One could legitimately state, and universally argue to great advantage, that the world has never been so well connected, and thus the connectivity is not accurate to associate with a financial POV in a spending cycle, but the facts are real here:

our current way of life is not sustainable.

Enough secrets are being kept, and Hillary Clinton's health is one of them. Honestly, it may be better for people NOT to know how her personal health is. It may even be healthier for madam secretary to not have the manic engine that is today's state of media coverage to know what her personal health condition is in. But that is all outside speculation.

The facts are real: she is drawing attention, and so much so, enough people are questioning everything, that the underlying values go unnoticed, unannounced, and conclusions are made regardless..

bioemerl  ·  3103 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Using more words does not make you less vauge when your words are still abstract in meaning.

Why is the world nearing it's end, how is the system manipulated, how are the underlying assets going awry. How are those things different today than they were five or ten or twenty or fifty years ago.

You mention dependence on the system, and that's the nature of society. This process of specialization started in the agricultural revolution, and is becoming more and more severe every year. Never has it resulted in a societal collapse, or indicated that we can't go back to having general skills. People adapt to the situation, they learn and change. Just because things are unsustainable as we do them now doesn't mean we will collapse in 50 years, it means we will probably change our stride in 25. The number one growing energy sources today are all renewable, for example.

    Most of us need a position of power to give us meaning. If that power comes in running with what I talk, thumbs up. Remember "talk is cheap." I only speak on what I've experienced.

You make fun of the fact I call you a conspiracy theorist, or even try to adopt that term as if it is a good thing. Years and years have proven differently, you should take this labels as a consideration in how you should modify the way you think. When people feel your thoughts are similar to conspiracy theories, you ask why, and you fix that. You don't wallow in the mud and say "i'm happy like this".

    Enough secrets are being kept, and Hillary Clinton's health is one of them.

Nobody is keeping this a secret, it's literally all over the internet.

Deltron_0  ·  3100 days ago  ·  link  ·  

thank you for the comment

    Why is the world nearing it's end, how is the system manipulated, how are the underlying assets going awry. How are those things different today than they were five or ten or twenty or fifty years ago.

I know I am on to something, but rather than changing the way I think, I must work harder to convey what I think. I am not prepared enough, but am working on it.

For now I'll accept the label, but not revel in it. What I can say is, I BELIEVE there is an enormous bubble right now -> centered in the financial sector of the global ecnomy. Drawing the parallels to this thread, the bubble manifests in the manic-media publications, and subsequent politicking.

bioemerl  ·  3099 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree there is probably a bubble in the financial sector of the economy, that it will eventually pop and cause issues down the line. I'm not sure about how this bubble would manifest in media, and I do not think that the bubble will be catastrophic, even though it will be harmful.