The first half of Lighght is amazing, the second half is good but doesn't hold up as well. Sonderlust is great, I'd probably put it up around 151a but not topping it. Too many memories with that album. Lighght still has one of his best songs though, in Philosophize In It! Chemicalize With It!
Hmm. I've listened to Sonderlust over the week and I am not sure if I like it. It misses the intricate, interesting sounds and arrangements that his earlier work has. Most songs are too much on the pop music side and not on the alternative side of the music spectrum. Case in point: I love Flame on Flame, but can't stand Hey Big Star. Weirdly enough I think I appreciate Lighght more because of this, especially the last two songs embody what I like about Kishi Bashi.
Ah, I really like Hey Big Star. But I also really enjoyed The Ballad of Mr. Steak, which is a stylistic precursor to just about the entirety of Sonderlust.