weewooweewoo I hated this. Dynamic scrolling needs to go. Don't encourage it. Then again I failed to even notice the quiz, so I'm probably not the right person to give feedback. EDIT: 71 percent, a degree-earning score. I am David Foster Wallace. I did not really read the issue (yet). I am a fan of quizzes with odd numbers of questions which result in unusual scores.The vertical scroll bar was good too. It looked like I was making progress toward the finish, then more content dynamically loaded and I had more scrolling to do.
I was DFW too! Maybe we are all DFW. Why not? I can see the mendacious scrollbar both ways. If it really showed me how far I fad to go, I might have given up at the start. But it's mendacious. As a user interface design, I don't hate the "infinite scroll" pattern, it seems a little advantageous compared to paging. Probably this is far too much analysis for a zine that gives an estimate down to the second of time to consume. I plead irrationally, as one who dreads starting a thousand-page novel, then 400 pages in regrets that it's almost done.
Uh, I guess the whole thing is pretty mendacious. Everyone is DFW, haha. On the dynamic scrolling thing- the big reason it is there is for wasoxygen said, it's a lot more intimidating if you know how much you have to scroll to finish the whole issue. At the same time, I am very much against infinite scrolling, and wanted this to be an antidote to infinite-scrolling, which is why I have the amount of time for each issue at the very beginning. I'm totally glad that I got both of you to read some unknown writers! That's means I'm doing something right.