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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  4594 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What's the best video game console ever?
We didn't have a lot of video games growing up. My parents preferred us to read and play outside and all that jazz. When I was 12 (2002) my brother and I bought a nintendo 64 with a bunch of games (zelda oot, starfox 64, super smash bros, diddy kong racing, mario kart, and a couple others) from one of our friends. He used to play zelda and I would read the little book and tell him what he needed to do to beat the bosses or get through the temple. Then I would go and find every spider and heart piece and stuff in that area. It was super fun.

Before that we had a NES that my cousin had given us but it only had tetris, tennis, and super mario bros. We played that occasionally but there is only so many times you can beat Super Mario Bros before it gets boring. We used to lay on our backs and play it upside down to make it more fun. If you put me in front of Super Mario Bros I can still beat it in about 10 minutes on one life. I don't even think about it, my fingers just know how to do it.

bgood79  ·  4593 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Zelda for Nintendo 64 is the sole reason I graduated from college in 5 years instead of 4. Who needs mind altering drugs when there are games that fucking good out there. Nice work on mario bros. I actually tried beating that a few months ago and had a really tough time. Good thing I still know how to do the 'bounce the turtle shell off the stairs n get 100 free 1ups' trick!
briandmyers  ·  4593 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I played through OOT just recently, on my Wii. Lots of fun. I've almost clocked it, just the final battle to go. On a side note, I beat GTA IV this last weekend. Not sure how proud I should be about that, as I am a 48 year old man. But I love me some GTA.

Personally I've had more fun on the PS2 than maybe any other platform (I don't have a PS3 yet). So many great games; Timesplitters 2 was many many hours of fun.

insomniasexx  ·  4593 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I used to play time splitters a lot on my friends gamecube. I don't know which one it was - we just couldn't beat the one with these massive red hands and mafia music.
b_b  ·  4594 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Star Fox and Goldeneye are definitely the two games that I have plyed th emost in my life. 64 was awesome, but I lost interest in video games after that time.