has been going great for me. I contacted one of my favorite authors when I was in high school to submit to it, and he said yes. I'm still in disbelief. He submitted multiple works, including this story I've never read before. It's soooooo good. My heart. I feel like the biggest fanboy ever. I had to give it a web design treatment.
I also have one of his other works in this weeks issue of This week's issue features a pelican on fire, $1500 in cash, and your gurgling gut.
That was one of the best things I've read on the internet. A lot of things to think about. Maybe I can start by asking what your takeaway was? “You know what this is?” he asks me. “A stump.” “It’s a missile silo disguised as a stump.” “No it isn’t.” “You’re right, but it’s a good spot for one don’t you think? I’m going to bring it up at the next cabinet meeting.” “You do that.” I turn to leave. This author definitely watched a lot of The West Wing at some point in their life.I follow the President further into the woods. He points to a stump.
Can I be honest about my takeaway? I think the easiest way is to copy and paste what I sent to the author: I may or may not be an overly honest person in my interactions. It occurred to me that there is an irony in publishing this story. is my way of building something underwater. I've run away from a lot of problems by spending a lot of time drinking, smoking, and working on my literary journal. I don't think it's really gonna go anywhere, but I'm not cancelling it quite yet. Regardless, I'm eternally grateful.
Honesty is good! I'd like to that if somebody is running away from something it also means they're running towards something. Most people don't find out what that is until well after the fact, or at least that's my experience so far.