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mk · 4567 days ago · link · · parent · post: Hubski: Thoughts on new ways people could use Hubksi some day.
I've ruminated along similar lines before. Invite-only following, invite-only tags, or tags that were unique based on a prefix. Like the tag #ecib-mylittleponyclub, could only be used by you. It basically would give people to follow just one facet of a hubskier, if they so chose to do so.
I suppose in the scenario you mention, you could create a hub-tag, then grant its use to others. Something like #mylittleponyclub-hub or #guncrazy-hub. In some sense these would be like subreddits, but only a select few could post to it, yet anyone could follow it. I also don't know if these are good ideas or not, but good ideas sometimes come when you are thinking up bad ones.