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veen · 3033 days ago · link · · parent · post: Sean Hollister: Apple just handed Microsoft the keys to the kingdom
I second Google Play Music. You can point it to a folder on your computer and it'll upload up to 20k songs that you can then stream or download to any device. For free. You can also add Spotify-like streaming for a monthly fee, which is what I did after a while.
Think it says 40k now. Mine's syncing at least 38k songs. But it has been since it was saying 20k. A couple of my friends have that whole spotify-like thing. I'll usually say "check out this band" and Google will have one or zero of their albums. People with esoteric tastes may be disappointed. I know for a fact that a lot of the time when it's streaming stuff at me, it's streaming my music at me because I recognize the errors in the files.