My exam on Monday went shite. Everyone did terrible from what I've heard so that might save my ass but I'm not at all sure. I've been up since 5:50AM, I tried to go to sleep after seeing that graph but I just couldn't. Now I'm tired and can't study. Fuck this day, I'm just gonna make myself some pancakes and watch Westworld. I've heard it's good.
I generally dismiss all hype surrounding big shows / movies / series / games. It's never been a good indicator for me - I couldn't get through Breaking Bad or Stranger Things or Suits despite the hype. Usually recommendations by specific sources / friends are needed for me to actually read, watch or listen to something. Westworld was on my radar but it was this video essay on Anthony Hopkins that actually got me to give it a try. I just watched episode one and I am definitely intrigued - they can take this concept in interesting directions, I think. I'll let you know.