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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3019 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: So, What Can Be Learned?

We don't actually disagree much. We have a difference of interpretation:

    I don't like to say this because it makes me an asshole, but I have a low opinion on the average person's critical thinking skills and intelligence...

Where you see a dearth of critical thinking skills and a low average intelligence, I see a steady corruption of "push" information to "pull" information. I watched it happen in 2001, 2002, 2003 - the Republican Noise Machine ground itself to a nib pushing the Iraq War such that nobody believed newspapers or media anymore. That, combined with the crash of television and the annihilation of newspapers, as well as the preposterously remunerated business structure of web crap, meant that if someone was going to hear about something, it was going to be through a source they sought out. No longer would the New York Times dictate what the world saw. No longer would the Wall Street Journal say business stuff while the Washington Post did investigative journalism. From here on out news would be where you found it, be that HuffPo, Infowars or loosechange911.com.

So I don't think "they" are idiots. I think that "they" are finding information we'd disagree with more easily than information we'd agree with because the dumb shit is so much easier to find.

And you're right - the DNC is, in many ways, completely up its own ass. I would argue that when one side is for concentration of wealth, and the other side is for distribution of wealth, the other side is gonna be fuckin' extinct in a few electoral cycles unless they start sucking up to rich people. Full stop. I would also argue that if the Republicans hadn't pursued the Southern Strategy they never would have made it to Reagan (I believe i have argued - it's on Reddit somewhere). So the party of "drown it in the bathtub" was forced to become the party of bread'n'circuses because if it were just rich white males, they'd never have the numbers. There's an inherent bait and switch in there; it doesn't work as well with Democrats because (surprise!) social liberals tend to be better educated and see the subtlety in the problem.

Simply put - "they" are not stupid. "They" are just easier to lie to. And we are in a lie-rich information landscape.

    The DNC used to represent the working class, the union members, the blue collar folks.

Got this this morning:

    The election for President of the United States is over. While we did not achieve the result we desired, I am extremely proud of the work of our Political Department, Local Union officers, International Officers and Representatives, and members for the significant efforts made to protect the interests of IATSE members and workers in general. Now we must move on. While I am skeptical for obvious reasons, it is my sincere hope that there can be some healing in our starkly divided nation. And while hope may seem an optimistic wish, it is clear that the country is unsatisfied with status quo in our political system. Unfortunately, that widespread feeling has manifested itself in a result that will likely compound the problem. The middle class and working people are in jeopardy of experiencing severe consequences based on the positions and proposed policies espoused by President-Elect Trump. Moreover, his anti-union statements virtually guarantee a rough road ahead for Unions and the members they represent.

    The tendency to be discouraged and lie injured licking our wounds must be resisted. Now is not the time to let defeat discourage us from facing head-on the tremendous challenges ahead. We must pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and stand strong. We must demonstrate solidarity in an unprecedented way by locking arms as Brothers and Sisters for the betterment of all IATSE members. We must continue to strengthen our bonds with other unions and the AFL-CIO to consolidate our voice and power. And we must identify and align with people and organizations that are likeminded in sharing our values.

    We have survived as a union since 1893 and we will survive this too. Know that your Union will remain active and vigilant in doing whatever can be done to protect your interests and further the causes that give security and prosperity to our members. As Benjamin Franklin wisely said “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." This statement may never be more true than it is now.

    In Solidarity,

    Matthew D. Loeb

    IATSE International President