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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  3055 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: DON'T PANIC

This article is moronic for one simple reason: the Supreme Court.

    Gay marriage has overwhelming support nationwide -- 55 percent to 37 percent against.

And one dipshit from Kentucky can simply push a case until it faces the Supreme Court, which will now skew heavily religious conservative with the appointment of Peter Thiel to the bench. And then it doesn't fucking matter what your state voted for, or the number of lesbian weddings I have been the officiant at, because gay marriage will be illegal, as defined by the Supreme Court. (Which the electorate has little actual power over.)

    Legal abortion is favored by 56 percent, with 41 percent opposed.

Except that Planned Parenthood is funded with state money, and that will end on January 21, 2017. And Roe v Wade should be overturned somewhere around August of next year. (The conservative right has had several test cases waiting in the wings, waiting for a conservative appointment to the Supreme Court so they can flip Roe v Wade in a matter of months.)

    The vast majority of the population supports background checks for gun buyers -- up to 90 percent in some polls.

Except for Trump, and his backers and advisers. These liberal policies are going to get lost on Paul Ryan's desk and never make it to the floor to vote. The only reason background checks would have ever made it to the floor of the House or Senate, would be as a tit-for-tat for Democratic backing of some Republican legislation. But that's no longer necessary. The Republicans have carte blanche in both houses and the White House, and never need to meet with another Democrat ever. Every Democrat is now a lame duck, and every one of their policies or plans isn't worth the paper it is written on, because it can never make it to the floor for a vote without explicit permission from Paul Ryan.

    A majority of Americans support some kind of universal health care, 58 percent to 37 percent.

Except for the people who won the presidency, who have made it their first order of business to repeal Obamacare.

    64 percent of Americans are worried about global warming. Only 36 percent are not.

Except this new administration who has just appointed one of the most vehement climate change deniers to head the EPA. A man who has claimed that, warming temperatures might actually be a good thing, because it would "decrease the number of people moving from Michigan to Florida" for the nice warm weather.

    And -- get this -- Americans overwhelmingly agree that immigration helps the country more than it hurts, by a 59 percent to 33 percent margin.

Except this administration. (I mean, come on Wong. WTF?!?) While Trump has mysteriously eliminated the pages from his web site that claimed he would ban all Muslims from entering the country, his stance on immigration is...

Fuck this. Why am I even typing?

This article is totally moronic, and shows a basic lack of understanding of how policy gets made in the US today.