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comment by Deltron_0
Deltron_0  ·  2892 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The racist foundation of the modern Republican party

ok then, the facts are divisive by nature. Mankind has never gotten along, and as long as 7 billion are living on this planet, they never will. The old-argument that liberal agendas are often narrow and divisive by their nature is proving to be just as true today. I am looking at the fact that the politically divided reality of modern history is reaching a fever pitch. The modern liberal movement is equally guilty of mishandling their agenda as the racist republican party. The political party system is destroying the United States of America as the founding fathers envisioned. Their unifying principles are gone in todays politicking.

    the people who understand how government works, have lost the election

aka the political elite. Our government does not function anymore. The election proved this - I believe we're arguing the same end-game through a different lense.

The Dollar is not backed on the economic health of our neighbors. It isn't technically backed by anything. Bretton Woods sought to establish a world reserve currency - well, technology has disrupted this position. Technology has a way of doing that.

Look, I'm holding a position that isn't represented anywhere on this site, and it is seen as conspiracy theory bullshit by all who are reading from the "reputable" sources. There was so much more BS behind this campaign than was ever covered - considering the majority of the entire election was a controlled attack on the candidates themselves.

History is repeating itself - and whether you like it or not, technology has under-cutted many of the basic public services originally implemented by a central governing body.

I have personally worked with racists, mysoganists, and murderers. Have you? Guess what, things can get so bad - that no one cares about what you think anymore - they just want to get through the shit so they can go home to their families. I didn't agree with them in any fucking way, and I didn't chose to work with them. They happened to be there, and dealing with them was necessary in order to get my paycheck.

Forbes and the Economist are bastions of popular opinion. They have never called anything, they appeal to a user-base while sprinkling their bias here and there. They aren't CNN, but they are definitely not within the realm of thought the real movers in this world are in. They're (for the most part) commenting on popular topics of an economic engine.

Bubbles. How many more bubbles you want to watch burst before there is a reset?

The bubbles are propagated by mis-lead principles of value, and those seeking to capitalize on the movements. The jury is still out on trump, at least for those who aren't "too big to fail."

Deltron_0  ·  2892 days ago  ·  link  ·  

for the record: I am easily compromised by my emotions. I gotta work on that part. I am definitely attacking the entire system of value and the role of government in society, to be completely clear. I hold this position based on what I have learned, and who I have spoken with in person. It is not popular. Especially online.