The other day, I was reading a comment here where someone mentioned they use Waterfox (I think it was francopoli). I hadn't heard of that browser before. Since then, I've been looking around for alternatives since someone told me that Firefox is on its way out. I've been using Chrome, but I'm not really fond of it. I really don't care for IE or Edge.
I looked up web browsers and was surprised to see so many out there.
Which web browser do you use and why?
Devac, the post you linked of mine is not just referred to in the OP. It IS my old OP. The OP of this post just copy/pasted my words into a new post. I'm not sure if it's a type of spam or something else, but if the person wanted to know the answer to the exact question I asked 202 days ago, they could have just read the post they copied from. I wonder if this type of recycled content happens a lot here.
I used to use Vivaldi on PC. It was in alpha at the time and, as much as I enjoyed it, had some frustrating bugs. This was some time ago, so I imagine those problems were fixed and it's likely changed a great amount. I plan to try it again sometime soon.
Currently I'm trying Brave Browser. It's focused on ad-blocking and security. "The new Brave browser automatically blocks ads and trackers, making it faster and safer than your current browser. Soon, micropayments and better ads will give users and publishers a better deal."
Firefox - since it's run by a non-profit and it has all my bookmarks already. I hope firefox isn't on it's way out. I also use Developer Edition, but I don't actually use the features. I just think the tabs are prettier and like pretending to be a dev. There some new stuff coming in Firefox what with all the rust shenanagains that I'm excited for. I also have Chrome - for those times something doesn't open right in Firefox.