Work I'm starting to drown in work. I like to learn, and due to that I've become involved in a wide array of projects and tasks involving a lot of different people across the company. Which is great. But also awful when I keep getting questions or asks for things that aren't even really my job and takes time away from the big picture projects of my own, which I'd rather be working on. Health My PT wants me back up to 15 mpw running four or five days a week. Feeling nervous over that, hopefully my knees are in a better place. Biomechanically I've never been better. Mental/Emotional
At my old position I eventually learned how to do most of the things we did in that office, and got a lot of questions not relevant to what my actual role was as a result. Most of the time I would do the gracious thing and just answer if it was something quick but if it was a long, involved explanation or the same person asking me the same question over and over, I would explain to them that I was busy with my own work and that they really should be seeking assistance from their supervisor. This was difficult for me at first because I am a helpful person by nature I guess. But it got so bad sometimes that I quickly got over feeling like a jerk about it. When I changed positions it was weird and a little bit of a relief to not be the one in the office who knows all the things. Good luck with trying to deflect and get your own stuff done!