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comment by jadedog

I'm finding myself disagreeing with this. I couldn't find words as to why until I saw your comment below about changing your words in a comment and how that affects integrity.

It's the same integrity for a small place as a big place, but people do it in both places.

In a small place, there's really no recourse. No one cares that it happened. The user base in a small place is too invested in that place to care that one person is affected. In a bigger and more diverse place like Reddit, the accountability is greater.

Huffman got away with it for an hour before people were getting enough attention to force his hand.

On smaller platforms, I've seen those things go on for years with no one admitting fault or anyone caring.

It appears there's more accountability because it's a big site. For me personally, that gives me a bit more confidence that my words being tampered with will more likely be addressed than in a smaller site.

I asked this in another comment section, but does the small size of a place say that it lacks cultural significance? What does that say about smaller sites?