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comment by ButterflyEffect
ButterflyEffect  ·  2871 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why I Can't Get Started . . .

    For example people play all kinds of computer games (or post on hubski) for the reasons on the internal list. Priorities are probably feelings of success, achievement, smartness for the games. Whereas the feelings of success if we do stuff on the external list are few in the short term and iffy in the long term. Priorities on the second list are also to have a feeling of connection, importance, impact, meaning, etc. We sometimes get that from a hubski post.

Hmm. I've been thinking about this lately, with regards to "feelings of success, achievement..." etc. Especially with relation to fitness...it's actually the opposite, at least for me. The notion that failure is a possibility is exciting in a weird way and drives me to go out and do it. Whatever it is. Running, hiking, and more recently, climbing. Success is great, but the struggle and chances of failure might be greater.

lil  ·  2871 days ago  ·  link  ·  

One of the beautiful things about improv is that failure is a possibility. mknod it opens up possibilities for fearlessness... but in your case bfx, is while the "struggle and chances of failure" might be greater, are you saying that you are motivated by the possibility of failure, or simply excited by it. Who said "fail better"? Oh, Beckett:

    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett
ButterflyEffect  ·  2871 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That is a great quote, Beckett was an immensely talented individual.

There's a couple of quotes I came across after watching The Barkley Marathons, which wasoxygen is familiar with.

    If you're going to face a real challenge it has to be a real challenge. You can't accomplish anything without the possibility of failure.

    True success is not the absence of failure, It is the refusal to surrender.

    There is no success if failure is not in the mix."

All quotes by Gary Cantrell. It's both motivation and excitement. The former because the easy things in life do not provide proper clarity and appreciation for your life and for successes, the latter because it's unknown. If I fail, how, when, and what will I learn. How will I "fail better"?

More to come in Pubski.

mknod  ·  2867 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I happened to login today and saw this. I'm glad to see I'm still thought about from time to time 🐙😁

I've had a hard couple months. This made me feel really good.

lil  ·  2866 days ago  ·  link  ·  

🐙😁 you are the hubski improv goto guy. I hope your hard couple of months become softer.