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comment by someguyfromcanada
someguyfromcanada  ·  2874 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski's intermittent, inconsistent, posted whenever, by whoever, bookthread

I have read most if not all of GGM's books and Hundred Years is my least favorite.

You might like his News of a Kidnapping, a non-fiction book by the former journalist, which recounts the kidnapping of a handful of prominent figures in Colombia by the MedellĂ­n Cartel in the 90s.

I recently reread it after watching Narcos, which portrays the kidnapping of journalist Diana Turbay, which is also discussed in the book.

johnnyFive  ·  2873 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh cool, that sounds like it'd be worth reading for sure.

I saw a not-100%-verified quote on Wikipedia where he says No One Writes to the Colonel is his favorite book that he's written, and I certainly enjoyed it the most so far.