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comment by wasoxygen
wasoxygen  ·  2938 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dan McLaughlin: So much and so little

Post Mortem on the Dan Plan

    So when I first heard about the The Dan Plan, I was immediately attracted to the idea. One of the main tenants of The Talent Code is the ten thousand hour theory. Dan was going to test it. Perfect.

    But after a few months and watching him on his journey I began to question what he was doing. Learning the game myself I saw him making some of the mistakes that I had made when I was first learning the game. This is was extremely concerning because as anyone in golf will tell you, once you start making mistakes and ingraining them into your muscle memory it is going to take you double the time to unlearn it and put the right stuff in there.

    As an engineer I felt his process for improving was a mess. I began to worry that at the conclusion of the Dan Plan were not going to be able to determine anything about the ten-thousand-hour theory. No conclusion, nothing.

    During this time I moved to the Portland area and got the chance to interview Dan. I learned a few things during that interview. One, Dan is a really nice guy. Two, Dan is an artist by trade, and views the world differently than me. He really viewed the Dan Plan as a "meta" experience. Three, he was not going to a professional golfer if he didn't seek a knowledgeable person, and would probably not even wind up a better golfer than me.

    Now we have learned that the Dan Plan is over. Dan has moved on to selling soda....