I idly browsed at houses online today. rd95, are you still looking? I'm not in any rush; I currently own my condo and am semi-content with it. But I feel like it's time to look for a house. There's a really small one for sale (less than 900 square feet) a block off the lake for a fair price. The more notable thing is I feel less like leaving town and leaving my company than I have in the past. A few years ago I'd have rejected house shopping because staying here seemed no more likely than moving. Lately I feel more satisfied with where I am.
I wouldn't say we've stopped looking, but we've slowed our search down so much that I haven't talked to our real estate agent in over a month. I think both of us are a bit apprehensive for different reasons, so unless the perfect home falls into our lap for dirt cheap, we will probably hold off for a while.